What to do if you can't sync data.

Written by Impact Atlas
Updated 1 year ago

Sometimes users might encounter the problem when using the Impact Atlas app that you cannot sync your data to servers. This article shows you briefly some steps to take before reaching out to us at Support.

  1. When multiple users from the same program are trying to sync their data at the same time, the server can become overloaded and therefore not allow you to sync. So, we recommend first waiting up to 30 minutes before trying to sync again.

  2. If that does not work, try logging out and logging back in again. After doing so, attempt to sync your data.

  3. Finally, ensure that you are using the most up to date version of Impact Atlas. If not, update your app and then log back in to try syncing again.

If you follow all of these instructions and you are still unsuccessful, please reach out to your program administrator for them to contact us on your behalf.

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