How to use the Initial Loan and Loan Repayment pre-built templates

Written by Impact Atlas
Updated 1 year ago

The Initial & Repayment Loan pre-built templates are used to track a given loan over time in order to understand the results and the impact on people's life.

The Initial Loan survey must be created first and followed by the Repayment Loan.

Those templates are available on the form builder. To access them, click on Form Builder in the left menu:

Once in the Form Builder, click on "Create" on the top right:

Initial Loan

Choose "Initial Loan" survey:

After accessing the form, update the initial information:

  • Select the permissions;

  • Flag the "edit existing survey data" if you would like to allow submissions edition;

  • Select a pre-requisite survey in case it is needed;

  • In case you want to limit the number of times this survey should be entered by participant, you can enable the "limit survey submission number" and enter the value;

  • Sub template should not be selected for this survey;

Scroll down and you will see the pre-defined questions that can be either required or not. Some of those questions are the information that will be displayed in the Loan widget:

You are able to make limited edition on those pre-defined questions such as:

  • Relabel the questions and the answers (in case there is any);

  • Add or delete answer options;

  • Add hint;

  • Customize the field name in the data export.

Please note some questions can be completed locked and do not allow any type of edition.

The question "Business type", for example, expects customization:

You can also use the elements on the right to add more questions if needed:

Once you are done editing the survey, hit "Save and close" on the top of the screen.

The last step is to change the survey mode to "Test", test it and make any necessary changes before starting the creation of Repayment Loan survey.

Loan Repayment

The overall steps to create the Loan Repayment survey are the same as the Initial Loan. Once you start creating this survey, you should no longer change the Initial Loan, otherwise you can break the link and calculations between them.

In the form builder, choose "Loan Repayment" survey:

After accessing the form, update the initial information:

  • Select the permissions;

  • Flag the "edit existing survey data" if you would like to allow submissions edition;

  • Pre-requisite survey should not be edited for this survey;

  • Limit survey submission number should not be edited for this survey;

  • Sub template should not be selected for this survey;

Scroll down and you will see the pre-defined questions that can be either required or not. Some of those questions are the information that will be displayed in the Loan widget:

You are able to make limited edition on those pre-defined questions such as:

  • Relabel the questions and the answers (in case there is any);

  • Add or delete answer options;

  • Add hint;

  • Customize the field name in the data export.

Please note some questions can be completed locked and do not allow any type of edition.

We recommend you to avoid adding more questions to this survey. But, in case you need, there are the elements on the right to do so:

Once you are done editing the survey, hit "Save and close" on the top of the screen.

The last step is to change the survey mode to "Test", test it and make any necessary changes before activating it.

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