Adding household members into surveys

Written by Impact Atlas
Updated 1 year ago

The need of collecting data from other household members besides the participant is getting more common over time. At IA you have the ability to include specific questions for the household members as part of the regular surveys.

First of all, you need to click on "Form Builder" option in the left menu:

Then you need to decide if you will add those questions as part of the "Registration" survey or if you will use the "Other - Start fresh" form. In our example, we will use the registration:

The initial options are exactly the same for all surveys. The difference for this case is the sub template. Under the Sub Template option, select the "Add household members" option:

The questions are going to be added at the bottom of the survey.

You will notice that the first 5 questions are required and not excludable. You are able to relabel and add more answer options if you would like to.

The last 2 questions are optional, editable and excludable. It is up to you to decide if you would like those or not.

After making the necessary changes, you can save and test the survey to guarantee everything is working properly.

It is important to reinforce those information will be displayed at the Household widget at the participant page.

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