Identify unassigned participant

Written by Impact Atlas
Updated 1 year ago

There are rare cases where the expected group or location from the registration surveys do not make it to the server. And in order to easily identify such cases, we developed a new functionality called "Unassigned Participants".

The default values for such cases will be at the cohort level group (highest level with id 666) and location (level 1 which should only have a single location active). Participants with a group or location matching those highest levels should be shown on the Unassigned Participants page.

Under this functionality you are going to find the list of users (if any) that either has the group or location missing.

Whenever you find this error, you should open a request to IA informing the participant, the group and / or location the participant should be assigned to. You can also add a screenshot from "Unassigned Participants" page.

In order to access this functionality, go to Program Management in the left menu:

Then, click on "Unassigned Participants" and you will be able to see the list of participants (if any) that are missing group or location:

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