Password recovery

Written by Impact Atlas
Updated 1 year ago

In case you need to recover your password, click on "Forgot your password?" button at the login page:

Enter the email you have set in your IA account and click on green arrow:

If you enter the correct email address, then you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset it:

On your inbox, check if you received an email from [email protected]. If so, click on the link to reset your password:

Enter a new password that must attend the following:

  • Eight (8) or more characters;

  • At least one upper case;

  • At least two lower case;

  • At least one number;

  • At least one symbol;

In case it does not, you are going to receive a warning message:

Once the new password entered complains with the requirements, hit the green arrow to save it:

Then, you should be able to access IA with your username and new password:

You are not allowed to re-use the same password recovery link more than one time:

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